Frequently Faced Excavation Safety Hazards - an Overview


Builders and constructors frequently have to deal with trenching or excavation jobs as these two tasks form a major responsibility whenever it comes to delivering a construction project. Organisations which have been formed to set occupational safety rules mostly declare trenching as a construction work which can lead to job site hazards. Hence workers who are associated with the project are required to understand and evaluate risks associated with various excavations and trenching related tasks. Not only can these jobs lead to fatalities and injuries they can further cause damage to properties.


Trenching is an activity which involves cutting out a cavity or a tunnel or bringing upon a depression on earth through soil removal. Trenching is part of excavation and while conducting the job, workers at the site must follow safety norms which will help them achieve a desired level of depression on earth without getting hurt or allowing a property or equipment to get damaged in the way.

Only qualified workers should be held responsible for conducting the job as they will be able to evaluate the risks involved and hence deliver the task in accordance to level of efficiency and safety. A qualified professional will be able to identify the rock or soil composition and hence will be able to use appropriate equipment and machineries to conduct trenching.

Safety Hazards at an Excavation or Trenching Site


A very common hazard, workers face while working at a site is when a trench collapses. The fatality of the hazard can kill workers and hence professional engineers should be appointed to first evaluate the soil composition and the risks involved. Since moisture or various weather elements are responsible in affecting stability of soil, these engineers can perform a test to determine whether a trenching or excavation job can be conducted at the site.


Yet another hazard workers face during Excavation Unanderra is a sudden fall. Hence the project manager should ensure that safety barriers are being installed to determine the perimeter of an excavation or trenching job. Even job site equipment can experience fall during the job. Employers are hence required of investing in safety barriers and signage.

Risky Atmosphere

Trenching areas are often reported of reduced oxygen levels which can lead to massive safety hazard. Also, at times areas which are trenched or excavated get polluted with toxic gases. Gas contamination is a major factor which can even cause death among workers. Hence workers should wear safety gears and must carry safety devices to evaluate the risk at the area.

Colliding with the Utility Lines

An expensive and threatening damage can occur when workers or equipment collide with utility lines causing fatal results like electrocution or gas leaks. Nearly a majority of accidents during excavations occur due to fatal exposures or collisions. Hence, an Excavating Contractor Shellharbour must inform the utility companies before commencing into the project.

To ensure maximum safety during an excavation or trenching job contractors must seek proper measures so that workers don't face any hazard during the job.

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